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Downloads (Converter.xlsx)
This file is described in detail in the blog post titled "Xlegant Showcase: Unit Converter". It is an interactive conversion calculator and matrix with full transparency of unit and prefix selection for a selected property. Some features highlighted include reference tables, dynamic array formulas, Data Validation and Conditional Formatting.
convert01.png (LAMBDA.xltx and Book.xltx)
This file contains a sampling of LAMBDA functions to demonstrate their use. Click here for explanation of LAMBDA functions. To make this sheet and its functions accessible in existing workbooks, extract LAMBDA.xltx to the XLSTART folder. Then from any file, right-click a sheet tab, Insert... and select LAMBDA. To include the LAMBDA functions in every new workbook, extract Book.xltx to XLSTART. The LAMBDA sheet is hidden in Book.xltx, unhide as desired.
LAMBDA 4.jpg
User (.xlsm)
This file is a tutorial and reference for ways to make sheets and macros interactive:
  • Messaging: Data Validation input and error messages, cell Note, cell Comment 
  • Controls: examples of Form and ActiveX controls that can be used with or without VBA coding
  • VBA: details of MsgBox and InputBox functions, including 65 ways to format a MsgBox
User Interaction_edited.jpg
Date (.xlsm)
This file selects all dates on the sheet that are not formulas and not text, and shifts them either collectively or individually by a default or any desired offset. Practice data set and program flow chart are included. The macro is an example of a simple user-interactive program, and the sheet is an example of tool presentation.
Date Shifter full_edited.jpg
This file contains the code used in all download files and store products. 
VBA is text, it can be read with Notepad or any text editor. In the VBA Editor (Alt+F11), module files can be imported via Ctrl+M, or copy/pasted from Notepad to an existing sheet or module.
  • .bas files are exported from Modules and can be imported to Modules

  • .cls files are Class Modules exported from Sheets; if imported, cut the code from the Module and paste it to the appropriate Sheet.

  • any Module can be read and mined for examples without using it

  • [square bracket] references are names that must exist 

  • Facebook

© 2021 by Doug Bates

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