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Fun and Games

Fun and Games

Games are great for demonstrating interactive and random number techniques. Fun features encourage repetition, which accelerates learning. This file has four sheets for single player practice, including two games with simulated competition.


Poker: cards are dealt to two players, with click to hold for up to three deals before the winner is revealed. Counting and scoring processes are displayed. Uses symbols and array functions.


Dice: two pairs of dice are rolled and the result scored. A game can be up to 100 rolls. Dice are designed in a symbol font with various dot options, using array constants to put the dots on the face.


Snake: uses four directional arrows to trace the cursor around a play zone, demonstrating how selection works. Uses the Worksheet_SelectionChange event. Pick one of two simple games, or just practice.


Palindrome: fun word-play; enter a phrase and it is separated by letter and reflected to see if a palindrome can be made. Adjust spacing and punctuation, and record results. Uses array and text functions.


Excel features: Advanced formulas; Logical, Text, Array Functions; Name Manager named ranges and formulas; Conditional Formatting; Data Validation rules and messages; Table processing; Controls; VBA: each sheet contains its own macros for game play, selection and navigation.

  • Contents

    Fun and, with

    • Fun and Games.xlsm (Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook)
  • Usage


         Play: click Deal button; click cards to hold. Hold at least one card to replace others
         Settings: click icons to navigate or hide elements; click deck image to view deck
         Record: click checkbox to record hand results, click hash mark icon to view or delete history

         Play: click the 3D die to roll
         Settings: select Pip; enter doubles multiplier; enter rolls per game; click folder for more info

         Play: practice with arrows or mouse in play zone; click a game icon to turn game on/off
              Snake: select as many cells as you can one at a time before hitting a filled one 
              Balance: arrow or mouse to fill the zone and balance the four symbols
         Settings: click trash can to clear zone; click switch to disable tracking; change tracking symbols

         Start: click clear buttons to clear input areas; click demo buttons for example
         Input: enter first half of palindrome; select pivot point 0 or 1
         Edit: enter spacing adjustments, punctuation and capitalization as instructed
         Record: click button to record palindrome or to review saved palindromes

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