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A personal Startup file is a place to keep all your favorite tools hidden but accessible. This one has several reference sheets, samples and general macros useful in project development.


Calendar: perpetual calendar with different highlights for holidays, special dates, date ranges and annual events. Includes holiday calculation and monthly workday report.

Controls: compares Form and ActiveX controls with samples and tips.

Symbols: lists ASCII characters in Symbol fonts, sample Unicode symbols, and suggested AutoCorrect symbols.

Themes: lists the 34 Themes with Font and Color for reference.

Colors: presents colors several different ways with sample macros to read and set colors. Includes VBA navigation between column groups like sheets-within-a-sheet.

Functions: tabulates results of selected single and dual-operand functions.

Combinations: lists members of all four combination variants by selecting up to 4 of up to 9 digits

Outline: builds and formats an outline, with slicer selection.

Macros: Name Manager listing with comment upload, Conditional Formatting formula listing.


Excel features: Advanced formulas; Name Manager named ranges and formulas; Data Validation rules and messages; Conditional Formatting; Tables linked for input, process and output; Column Groups; Controls; Symbols; Themes; Colors; Functions; Slicers VBA: Colors Sheet Module, navigation and formatting; Functions Sheet Module, formatting; General Module, general use macros.

  • Contents, with 

    • Startup.xlsm (Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook)
  • Usage


    This file is provided as a normal Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook, Startup.xlsm. The intent of a startup file is twofold. First, it is to reside in the folder below, from which files are opened automatically when Excel starts:

    Second, the startup file is meant to be hidden normally (Alt-W,H), and only unhidden as needed (Alt-W,U).

    You can hide this file and save it in your XLSTART as above, or you can have Excel create a startup for you, and build as you go. Excel provides a default startup file called PERSONAL.xlsb, which will be created in the XLSTART folder for you, with view hidden, in the following condition:
         1. you record a macro
         2. you select Personal Macro Workbook in the Store macro in: box.
         3. the next time you shut down Excel, you click Save when asked.

    The main purpose is to make it possible to run Public macros in other files without the need to copy or import the module. For that purpose you never need to unhide the file. It is always visible in VBA (Alt+F11) and can be edited and saved there.

    The second purpose is that since it is always open, it is a convenient place to store notes, cheat sheets, reference information or anything you want to keep accessible. For this purpose, add as many sheets as you want, and either unhide it when needed, or leave it unhidden if it doesn't bother you.

    Note: there's nothing special about PERSONAL.xlsb, it's just a shortcut to creating the startup file. The .xlsb format bypasses macro security but behaves like a normal spreadsheet. Thus, you can start with that and add to it as you go, or you can save this one as described above.

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